Sunday, March 13, 2011

Oh Baby! pt 1

I've had a busy and fun week of crafting! My mom's co-worker is expecting a baby girl in a few weeks and Mom asked me to make something extra special for her. This is what we came up with...

This gift basket includes:

2 large, receiving blanket lollipops

3 small washcloth lollipops & attached spoon

2 receiving blanket jelly rolls

washcloth peppermints

and lots of washcloth candies!
 A standard "sweets" gift basket includes: 16 washcloths, 4 receiving blankets, 4 pair of socks, 4 diapers and 3 baby spoons made into lollipops, candies and cupcakes. My Mom added on a diaper wipes holder, letters for name initials, and a pair of sunglasses.

Be sure to check in later this week for more information & pictures of the wall letters, diaper wipes holder and "babycakes".

1 comment:

  1. This is just the sweetest gift ever! when I got married my Sister in law made me a multi-tiered "cake" made out of bath towels, but this is something I have never seen before. its really cute. the mom to be is going to love it! Blessings, Joanne
